Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Reason for hope

It's a reassuring analysis as to why McCain can't win:
As we slog through the seemingly unending mire of the Democratic primaries, a meme has taken hold: the longer Obama battles Clinton, the more likely it is that McCain will win the election. Nonsense. McCain is a weak candidate in a year when Republicans are running against their own party. Barring some unforeseen catastrophe, there will be a Democrat in the White House come January. Take heart, ye who have suffered under Republicans for too long: change is coming. Here's why McCain can't win.
More (from Low on the Hog).

Tread carefully, however. Democrats sometimes do find creative ways to lose a sure thing.

Witness the disgusting (not a Democrat) Antonin Scalia "Get over it" blasphemy of 2000.

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